Presidentiables: Young and Vibrant

He is easily the youngest senator in the Philippines today and not yet even qualified to run for higher positions as of this moment but he is almost everywhere these days which hints that he might as well run, he will turn forty this October 10. Counting on the Obamania in the US perhaps, the youthful senator Chiz Escudero could pretty much pull it off with the right positioning and funding which is undeniably one of the most important in today's Philippine politics. This should not be a problem considering he is one of the two possible Nationalist People's Coalition party standard bearers come 2010, the other being fellow senator Loren Legarda.

Escudero attended the University of the Philippines Integrated School for both his Elementary and Secondary Education, and graduated in 1981 and 1985 respectively. He earned his Bachelor's Degree in Political Science at the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City in 1988 and Bachelors of Laws at the University of the Philippines College of Law in 1993. He received his Masters in International and Comparative Law at the Georgetown University Law Center in Washington D. C. in 1996. At the University of the Philippines , Escudero was Secretary General of the Association of Law Students of the Philippines from 1992–1993. He also joined the Alpha Phi Beta Fraternity and was a member of the Alpha Phi Beta Debating Team which was the 1991 U.P. Open Debate Champion. A consistent honor student, he was a member of the Order of the Purple Feather or the U.P. Law Honor Society from 1989–1993.

It seems that everywhere he goes, he is mobbed by the youth for pictures and autographs but can his team capitalize on this next year? Only time will tell.

by: Ivar

8/11/09 8:57 P.M.

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