What can a million pesos buy these days? About 33 tons of rice, or a decent home in the provinces, or even thousands of kilos of meat but a dinner for one night? It's ridiculously mad! President Arroyo and his cohort never fails to disappoint considering how many millions of Filipinos could not even have a decent meal in a day. How can they swallow such expensive food and savour those luxurious wines and call themselves public servants? For the sake of argument, let's believe the ever unbelievable Cerge Remonde when he said that Leyte congressman Romualdez paid the bill, is it now acceptable? I can't help but shake my head in total disgust.
Millions of pesos are allocated to each congressmen in both houses as PDAF (Priority Development Assistance Fund) or commonly known as PORK BARREL. This fund is highly descretionary and subject to a lot of controversial transactions. With this kind of cash at his disposal, can we believe that Rep. Romualdez took money from his own pocket to feed his boss? Or is he just the "fall-guy"? Even more money is under the president's control, how can we believe that personal funds are used in an official travel?
President Aquino died as the most loved president in recent history because of her simplicity while in office. If only the current president had a quarter of Cory's conscience and morality, then the Philippines could have been a better place.
by: Ivar
8/10/09 10:24 A.M.
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